API Documentation

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orderItems /v1/orderItems

The orderItems resource is used to create, modify, and view orderItems associated with each order. The orderItem describes each line-item for each item (sku) sold with an order. Each order will contain one or more orderItems. The orderItem specifies the sku, quantity, and price of each item that was ordered.

Object model

Attribute Data Type Required Description
orderItemId string yes unique key for each orderItem on the order
orderId string yes The SLAPI-level ID (not the venueOrderId for this item
msku string yes The msku for this line-item on the order
fulfillmentChannel MFN | AFN yes the timestamp that the order was placed from the venue
title string recommended The product title for the line-item
image string recommended URL for an image of the product
quantity integer yes Quantity purchased
priceItem numeric yes The price of each item
priceShipping numeric yes The shipping amount charged per-item
priceTax numeric yes The sales tax charged per-item
priceOther numeric yes The price of any other adjustments per-item
priceDiscount numeric yes The discount amount per-item
status SHIPPED | UNSHIPPED recommended Shipping status
modified timestamp yes timestamp that the orderItem was last modified
notes string no optional notes for each orderItem
cond string recommended condition for the item
purchaseId int no The purchaseId that this orderItem was attributed to (populated by SLAPI on FIFO basis)
locationId int no The pick location assigned to this orderItem (calculated by SLAPI)
returnTimestamp timestamp no Timestamp that the the return/refund was approved
returnReason string no reason that this item was returned
returnCondition string no condition that the customer stated the returned item is in
carrier string no The shipping carrier for this item (ie: UPS, FedEx, etc)
shipMethod string no The desired shipping method (ie: Priority, TwoDay)
trackingNumber string no The tracking number for the carrier
estimatedArrivalDate date no Estimated arrival date
deliveryStatus string no Delivery status (ie: inTransit, outForDelivery, delivered)
deliveryLastChecked timestamp no Timestamp that the delivery status was last checked
shipTimetsamp timestamp no timestamp that the item was shipped
outForDeliveryTimestamp timestamp no timestamp that the item was marked as "Out For Delivery" by the carrier
deliveryTimestamp timestamp no timestamp that the item was delivered


GET /orderItems Returns all of the orderItems for an account
GET /orderItems/id Returns the information for that specific item
POST /orderItems Creates a new order. Overwrites an existing setting if it already exists
POST /orderItems/id Updates and order. Overwrites only values that are passed
PUT /orderItems Not Permitted. Returns HTTP 405
PUT /orderItems/id Updates the existing orer. Overrides all exisiting values
DELETE /orderItems Not Permitted. Returns HTTP 405
DELETE /orderItems/id Not permitted. Returns HTTP 405

GET Request Parameters

Parameter Description
orderId Returns only items from the specified venueOrderId
venueOrderId Returns only items from the specified orders.venueOrderId
orderItemId Returns only items from the specified orderItemId
status Returns only items from the specified status (ie: unshipped)
modifiedSince Returns only items modified after the specified timestamp
fulfillmentChannel Returns only items from the specified fulfillmentChannel
trackingNumber Returns only items from the specified trackingNumber
createdAfter Returns only items created after the specified timestamp
delivered if non-blank, returns only items where deliveryTimestamp is not null
purchaseId Returns only items which have been assigned to the specified purchaseId
locationId Returns only items which were to be picked from the specified locationId


expand=order Includes an order object for each orderItem


            "title":"Sample Product",