This service is in BETA. For access please Fill out the application
The feedback resource is used to create, modify, and view orderItems associated with each order. The orderItem describes each line-item for each item (sku) sold with an order. Each order will contain one or more orderItems. The orderItem specifies the sku, quantity, and price of each item that was ordered.
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
id | string | yes | A Unique ID assigned to the feedback (currently a concattanation of the venueId and venueOrderId |
venueId | integer | yes | venueId for the feedback |
orderId | string | desirable | venue-specific Order ID associated with this feedback, if available |
date | date | yes | Date that the feedback was left |
rating | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | no | Numeric rating on a scale from 1 to 5 |
comments | string | no | Optional comments left with an order |
buyer | string | no | Buyer-related information available for this feedback (may be name, email address, or buyerId, depending on venue |
GET /feedbacks | Returns all of the feedback for the account |
GET /feedback/1234 | Returns all information about the '1234' feedback |
POST /feedback | Creates a new feedback. |
POST /feedback/1234 | Creates a new message. Overwrites an existing message if it already exists |
PUT /feedback | Not Permitted. Returns HTTP 405 |
PUT /feedback/1234 | Updates the existing '1234' message. Overrides existing values |
DELETE /feedback | Not Permitted. Returns HTTP 405 |
DELETE /feedback/1234 | Delete's the specified message |
The Parameters Common to Collections are supported. No other request parameters are available.