API Documentation

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Items /v1/items

The items resource is used to create, modify, and view items on your account. An item is a product for sale in a particular condition. Each item is identified by a unique msku.

Object model

Attribute Data Type Required Description
msku string yes unique key for an item max length 80
inactive enum y/n yes sets the item status to active or inactive
productId string strongly recommended This can be a UPC, EAN, ISBN, ASIN or Internal product id. Max Length 20
productIdType enum required if you set a productId Defines the type of product id set. Accepted types 'UPC','EAN','ISBN','ASIN', INTERNAL
title string yes Describes the item max length 255
manufacturer string no manufacturer name max length 255
image string recommended url for a defualt image additional images should be set in attributes. Max Length 255
type string no can be used to specify the type of product. IE type Book or Phone. Max Length 20
cond string (15) yes Specifies the condition of the item. Common values: unknown, new, likeNew, veryGood, good, poor, acceptable
notes string no notes are used to display brief info about the item to the buyer. Max Length 255
createdUserId int yes User Id of the person who created the item. Generated automatically read only
created timestamp yes Timestamp of when the item was created Generated automatically read only
value float no estimated retail value of the item after shipping and marketplace fees
rank int no amazon sales rank of the item. Max Length 10
modified timestamp yes Timestamp of when the item was last modified. Updated automatically. Read Only
attributes name value array no An array of name value pairs that desribe item attributes. IE color:white


GET /items Returns all of the items for an account
GET /items/msku Returns the information for that specific item
POST /items Creates a new item. Overwrites an existing setting if it already exists
POST /items/msku Creates a new item. Overwrites only values that are passed
PUT /items Not Permitted. Returns HTTP 405
PUT /items/msku Updates the existing. Overrides all exisiting values
DELETE /items Not Permitted. Returns HTTP 405
DELETE /items/msku Sets the item to inactive

Collection GET /v1/items

    GET https://api.sellerlabs.com/v1/items HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 253
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=99
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: application/json

    "status": "success",
    "code": 200,
    "httpCode": "200",
    "user": "117",
    "data": {
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 50,
        "count": "886",
        "prev": "",
        "next": "http:\/\/paul.api.sellerlabs.com\/v1\/items?offset=50&limit=50",
        "first": "http:\/\/paul.api.sellerlabs.com\/v1\/items?offset=0&limit=50",
        "last": "http:\/\/paul.api.sellerlabs.com\/v1\/items?offset=850&limit=50",
        "pages": 18,
        "items": [{
            "msku": "XS-YCHY-AMBP",
            "inactive": "",
            "productId": "0000000000",
            "productIdType": "UPC",
            "title": "Unknown Product",
            "manufacturer": "",
            "image": "",
            "type": "unknown",
            "cond": "Unknown",
            "notes": "",
            "createdUserId": "0",
            "created": "2013-05-27T19:00:04+00:00Z",
            "modified": null,
            "value": "0",
            "rank": "0",
            "attributes": [],
            "listings": [],
            "link": "http:\/\/paul.api.sellerlabs.com\/v1\/items\/XS-YCHY-AMBP"
        }, {
            "msku": "XS-GY3X-ANTV",
            "inactive": "",
            "productId": "0000000000",
            "productIdType": "UPC",
            "title": "Unknown Product",
            "manufacturer": "",
            "image": "",
            "type": "unknown",
            "cond": "Unknown",
            "notes": "",
            "createdUserId": "0",
            "created": "2013-05-27T19:00:11+00:00Z",
            "modified": null,
            "value": "0",
            "rank": "0",
            "attributes": [],
            "listings": [],
            "link": "http:\/\/paul.api.sellerlabs.com\/v1\/items\/XS-GY3X-ANTV"
        }, {
            "msku": "XO-FT0M-R1HN",
            "inactive": "",
            "productId": "0000000000",
            "productIdType": "UPC",
            "title": "Unknown Product",
            "manufacturer": "",
            "image": "",
            "type": "unknown",
            "cond": "Unknown",
            "notes": "",
            "createdUserId": "0",
            "created": "2013-05-27T18:59:08+00:00Z",
            "modified": null,
            "value": "0",
            "rank": "0",
            "attributes": [],
            "listings": [],
            "link": "http:\/\/paul.api.sellerlabs.com\/v1\/items\/XO-FT0M-R1HN"
        }, {
            "msku": "XL-SFSV-7FK4",
            "inactive": "",
            "productId": "0000000000",
            "productIdType": "UPC",
            "title": "Unknown Product",
            "manufacturer": "",
            "image": "",
            "type": "unknown",
            "cond": "Unknown",
            "notes": "",
            "createdUserId": "0",
            "created": "2013-05-27T19:04:13+00:00Z",
            "modified": null,
            "value": "0",
            "rank": "0",
            "attributes": [],
            "listings": [],
            "link": "http:\/\/paul.api.sellerlabs.com\/v1\/items\/XL-SFSV-7FK4"

Collection POST /v1/items

    POST https://api.sellerlabs.com/v1/items HTTP/1.1